Balance Sheet 2024Q2 (After adopting IFRSs)

Balance Sheet 2024Q2 (After adopting IFRSs) 2024-08-15
      Financial Statement ─ Balance Sheet        


Finacial year: Yearly
Unit: NT$ thousand
Accounting Title 2024/06/30 2023/12/31 2023/06/30
Balance Sheet
 Current assets      
  Cash and cash equivalents 2,896,670 4,501,650 4,451,136
  Current financial assets at fair value through profit or loss 2,201,215 1,887,183 1,828,530
  Notes receivable, net 17,333 20,437 6,405
  Accounts receivable, net 3,663,951 3,747,184 3,503,074
  Other receivables 89,029 58,234 91,402
  Current tax assets 36,598 0 24,698
  Current inventories 3,135,096 3,202,096 3,282,195
  Prepayments 58,137 81,423 73,420
  Other current assets 2,840,857 1,171,481 936,770
  Total current assets 14,938,886 14,669,688 14,197,630
 Non-current assets      
  Non-current financial assets at amortised cost 634,699 299,143 0
  Property, plant and equipment 5,857,160 5,918,636 6,191,117
  Right-of-use assets 212,305 238,407 236,334
  Deferred tax assets 251,074 252,515 216,272
  Other non-current assets 1,489,167 1,363,152 947,981
  Total non-current assets 8,444,405 8,071,853 7,591,704
 Total assets 23,383,291 22,741,541 21,789,334
  Current liabilities      
   Current borrowings 422,500 1,044,344 842,027
   Notes payable 623,904 647,942 402,129
   Accounts payable 1,761,274 1,726,070 1,682,875
   Other payables 1,673,645 1,117,289 1,307,334
   Current tax liabilities 253,291 325,085 115,649
   Current lease liabilities 50,399 50,316 38,091
   Other current liabilities 1,006,213 942,831 986,202
   Total current liabilities 5,791,226 5,853,877 5,374,307
  Non-current liabilities      
   Non-current portion of non-current borrowings 325,000 0 0
   Deferred tax liabilities 566,221 566,153 706,931
   Non-current lease liabilities 126,283 153,772 165,559
   Other non-current liabilities 68,278 65,282 30,466
   Total non-current liabilities 1,085,782 785,207 902,956
  Total liabilities 6,877,008 6,639,084 6,277,263
  Equity attributable to owners of parent      
   Share capital      
    Ordinary share 3,974,954 3,974,954 3,974,954
    Total Share Capital 3,974,954 3,974,954 3,974,954
   Capital surplus      
    Total capital surplus 1,580,484 1,580,484 1,580,163
   Retained earnings      
    Legal reserve 2,563,709 2,490,821 2,490,821
    Special reserve 447,333 304,879 304,879
    Unappropriated retained earnings (accumulated deficit) 8,149,802 8,198,202 7,674,116
    Total retained earnings 11,160,844 10,993,902 10,469,816
   Other equity interest      
    Exchange differences on translation of foreign financial statements -210,441 -447,333 -513,070
    Total other equity interest -210,441 -447,333 -513,070
   Total equity attributable to owners of parent 16,505,841 16,102,007 15,511,863
  Non-controlling interests 442 450 208
  Total equity 16,506,283 16,102,457 15,512,071
 Total liabilities and equity 23,383,291 22,741,541 21,789,334
 Number of share capital awaiting retirement 0 0 0
 Equivalent issue shares of advance receipts for ordinary share 0 0 0
 Number of shares in entity held by entity and by its subsidiaries 0 0 0


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