Ethical Management
Ethical Corporate Management
The Company has formulated the ethical corporate management policy and established "Ethical Corporate Management Best Practice Principles" and "Procedures for Ethical Management and Guidelines for Conduct". The policies and practices of ethical corporate management has been stated in the regulations and annual reports. And the board and senior management have demonstrated their commitment to actively implement the ethical corporate management policy as well.
The Company has clearly defined in its internal regulations that “the Company and its directors, managers, employees and substantial controllers shall not directly, or indirectly, provide, promise, request or accept any form of illegitimate interests in the execution of business, which include commissions, rebates, facilitating payment or other improper benefits through other means provided to or received from customers, agents, contractors, suppliers, public officials or other interested parties." And we have been implementing the concepts of employees’ integrity and self-discipline in various operational procedures and training programs.
The Company expressly prohibits the provision or acceptance of improper benefits and related measures for their violations in its internal regulations and operational procedures. And the Company reviews their adequacy and effectiveness on a regular basis.
Before the Company signs a contract with other parties, it will conduct a credit review and will ask the other party to sign Supplier Honesty and Integrity Agreement.
Chief corporate governance officer and CEO’s Staff Office is responsible for the amendment and implementation of relevant regulations and procedures of the Company, which are approved by the board of directors when they are amended. And the internal audit unit reports regularly to the board of directors on its plans to prevent unethical conduct and oversee its implementation.
The Company’s internal regulations and operational procedures clearly stipulate the terms on avoidance of conflict of interest. When employees encounter conflicts of interest in the execution of their business, they should report to their immediate supervisor.
The accounting system of the Company is based on Company Act, Securities Exchange Act, Business Entity Accounting Act, Regulations Governing the Preparation of Financial Reports by Securities Issuers, International Financial Reporting Standards and relevant laws and regulations, and take into consideration the Company’s characteristics of business, organization and actual needs. The internal control system has been formulated according to " Regulations Governing Establishment of Internal Control Systems by Public Companies " and has been implemented. The Audit Office also regularly reviews the compliance of the accounting system and the internal control system, and tracks its corrections, and reports to the board of directors on a regular basis.
The Company has added the education and training program on ethical corporate management in regular education and training for all levels of managers.
The Company has stipulated a whistleblower system in its internal regulations and operational procedures, and has been educating employees to use it through the education and training programs. A conveniently accessible whistleblowing channels has been established. And we will assign a dedicated person for the whistleblowers to handle their reports to protect them.
The Company has not established the standard operational procedures for investigating the reports of the whistleblowers and ensuring such reports are handled in a confidential manner. However, the cases in recent years have been handled in a prudent manner by the senior executives to ensure the rights and interests of the whistleblowers.
The Company will take appropriate measures to protect the whistleblowers from improper treatment due to their reports. However, the Company will also conduct cautious investigations to protect the accused from improper or incorrect accusation.
The Company has disclosed internal regulations and operational procedures on the Company’s website. The Company has set up a stakeholders’ area on the Company’s website and on the “Market Observation Post System”, which is Taiwan official disclosure website for all listed companies. And we have been responding appropriately to stakeholders’ concern and important issues of ethical corporate management.