Climate Change Management
Climate Change Management Policy
The Company takes the Sustainability Committee as the top authority on climate change management, which is presided by the chairperson of the Board of Directors. It reviews the Company's climate change strategy and goals, manages climate change risks and opportunities, reviews the implementation status and discusses future plans, and reports to the Board of Directors every year.
The Company regularly checks greenhouse gas emissions in accordance with ISO 14064-1 to review the impact on our operations. Based on the 2024 results of the greenhouse gas inventory, we will continue to implement carbon reduction measures. The third-party assurance on greenhouse gas inventory has been completed in 2023, and the subsidiary in China and the parent company in Taiwan obtained assurance certificates in June 2023. The assurance for 2024 is also in progress. The subsidiary in China has obtained the assurance certificate in March 2024. The parent company in Taiwan is expected to complete the third-party assurance on greenhouse gas inventory in May and is expected to receive the assurance certificate in July.
At the same time, in accordance with the framework developed by the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) published by the Financial Stability Board, the Company have considered the characteristics of the production process and supply chain in the PCB industry, and evaluated the risks and opportunities of climate change for the Company. In order to reduce the risk factors, the Company has also established the Sustainability Committee to supervise and manage issues on environmental conservation and climate change, to identify feasible opportunities and develop proper approaches, and to evaluate and manage the short- term, medium- term and long-term risks and to develop the transformation strategies for climate change. The committee use the "risk matrix" to evaluates the frequency of major climate risk events and the severity of their impact on our operations, to prioritize items of risk control and define a full spectrum of risk levels and to take proper approaches of risk control to deal with issues with different risk level. In the long-term, our vision is to implemented in the Company the system developed by Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosure (TCFD) and to disclose the TCFD report. The Company is planning to gradually improve our related disclosure from "climate risk disclosure" to "climate-related financial disclosure", and to establish a target management and a disclosure mechanism, which are based all on quantitative performance indicators.