Balance Sheet 2024Q1 (After adopting IFRSs)

Balance Sheet 2024Q1 (After adopting IFRSs) 2024-05-17
      Financial Statement ─ Balance Sheet        


Finacial year: Yearly
Unit: NT$ thousand
Accounting Title 2024/03/31 2023/12/31 2023/03/31
Balance Sheet
 Current assets      
  Cash and cash equivalents 3,640,241 4,501,650 3,771,436
  Current financial assets at fair value through profit or loss 2,343,632 1,887,183 2,272,242
  Notes receivable, net 10,529 20,437 8,821
  Accounts receivable, net 3,672,226 3,747,184 3,468,617
  Other receivables 85,390 58,234 91,288
  Current tax assets 0 0 33,136
  Current inventories 3,041,149 3,202,096 3,603,658
  Prepayments 59,902 81,423 68,805
  Other current assets 2,056,889 1,171,481 874,231
  Total current assets 14,909,958 14,669,688 14,192,234
 Non-current assets      
  Non-current financial assets at amortised cost 311,648 299,143 0
  Property, plant and equipment 5,814,919 5,918,636 6,515,337
  Right-of-use assets 226,870 238,407 235,757
  Deferred tax assets 251,423 252,515 215,915
  Other non-current assets 1,461,588 1,363,152 1,015,708
  Total non-current assets 8,066,448 8,071,853 7,982,717
 Total assets 22,976,406 22,741,541 22,174,951
  Current liabilities      
   Current borrowings 1,088,000 1,044,344 1,100,885
   Current financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss 0 0 952
   Notes payable 616,424 647,942 359,721
   Accounts payable 1,624,533 1,726,070 1,786,492
   Other payables 994,155 1,117,289 885,708
   Current tax liabilities 389,170 325,085 161,016
   Current lease liabilities 50,640 50,316 37,710
   Other current liabilities 887,447 942,831 1,012,602
   Total current liabilities 5,650,369 5,853,877 5,345,086
  Non-current liabilities      
   Deferred tax liabilities 566,197 566,153 707,374
   Non-current lease liabilities 141,164 153,772 162,675
   Other non-current liabilities 64,515 65,282 30,805
   Total non-current liabilities 771,876 785,207 900,854
  Total liabilities 6,422,245 6,639,084 6,245,940
  Equity attributable to owners of parent      
   Share capital      
    Ordinary share 3,974,954 3,974,954 3,974,954
    Total Share Capital 3,974,954 3,974,954 3,974,954
   Capital surplus      
    Total capital surplus 1,580,484 1,580,484 1,580,137
   Retained earnings      
    Legal reserve 2,490,821 2,490,821 2,439,494
    Special reserve 304,879 304,879 571,745
    Unappropriated retained earnings (accumulated deficit) 8,522,187 8,198,202 7,633,691
    Total retained earnings 11,317,887 10,993,902 10,644,930
   Other equity interest      
    Exchange differences on translation of foreign financial statements -319,570 -447,333 -271,289
    Total other equity interest -319,570 -447,333 -271,289
   Total equity attributable to owners of parent 16,553,755 16,102,007 15,928,732
  Non-controlling interests 406 450 279
  Total equity 16,554,161 16,102,457 15,929,011
 Total liabilities and equity 22,976,406 22,741,541 22,174,951
 Number of share capital awaiting retirement 0 0 0
 Equivalent issue shares of advance receipts for ordinary share 0 0 0
 Number of shares in entity held by entity and by its subsidiaries 0 0 0


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